Nail Trimming

Nail trims are essential for your pet's well-being, promoting comfort and overall happiness.

Nail trimming is an essential part of your cat or dog’s grooming routine. This is a great time to assess the health of their skin and nails and become aware of any new lumps or injuries.

Why shouldn’t I trim my dog or cat’s nails at home?

Depending on your dog or cat’s comfort level with getting their nails trimmed, this could be an uncomfortable experience for them. Dealing with a fearful or whining dog or cat can be overwhelming. Our veterinary team is well equipped to trim your dog or cat’s nails quickly, making the process as pain-free as possible. Nail trimming is essential for their comfort, as well as to avoid scratches on furniture or difficulty walking.

How often should I cut my dog’s nails?

We recommend trimming your dog’s nails every 4 to 6 weeks. Regular nail trimming helps to keep the quick (the blood supply to the nail) short, which prevents the nails from becoming overgrown. Some dogs or cats will naturally wear their nails down and don’t need trimming as frequently. If left too long, nails can grow into their paw pads, which can be painful and become infected. To schedule a nail trimming/grooming appointment, please contact us at 306-373-3500.

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