Parasite Control and Prevention

Fleas and ticks bring discomfort and disease, highlighting the need for consistent prevention.

There are a range of parasites present in Saskatchewan that could negatively impact your dog or cat’s heath. From roundworms to ticks, parasites pose a threat to your dog or cat’s quality of life. Our veterinarian recommends regularly using parasite preventives to keep them protected against infections and contracting diseases.

What kinds of parasites can my dog or cat contract?

Internal and external parasites both pose a risk to your dog or cat. External parasites like ticks, fleas and mites can infect dogs and cats with harmful diseases like Lyme disease, which in some cases can cause death. The most common internal parasites in Saskatchewan are roundworms, hookworms and tapeworms. Roundworm and hookworm infections happen when your dog or cat eats larvated eggs in environments like backyards, parks and off-leash. Eating infected animals like mice, gophers or birds or contracting fleas that harbour them could cause a tapeworm infection.

How can I protect my dog or cat from parasite infections?

We can prescribe safe and effective medications that can reduce your dog or cat’s risk of contracting parasites. This is important not only for our dog or cat’s health but also to decrease the likelihood of transmission of parasites from animals to people. Our veterinary team can help you design a parasite control program based on your dog or cat’s age, location, health status and lifestyle. Depending on their risk of contracting certain parasites, a combination of monthly preventives can safeguard your dog or cat against internal and external parasites. If you’re interested in learning more about parasite control, please contact us at (306) 373-3500.

What other steps can I take to prevent parasite infections?

In addition to regularly taking parasite preventives, it’s also important to take steps to reduce your dog or cat’s exposure to parasites. You should always be vigilant of their time outdoors as well as other animals they’re interacting with. The following guidelines from the Canadian Parasitology Panels Guidelines for Treatment of Parasites can also help reduce the risk of infection:

  • Wash your hands after handling your dog or cat’s feces
  • Reduce your dog or cat’s interactions with wild or stray animals
  • Dispose of your dog or cat’s feces properly
  • Monitor your dog or cat for signs of a parasite infection
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