Surgical Services

We prioritize your pet's comfort and care from surgery to recovery.

We perform a range of routine surgical procedures prioritizing your dog or cat’s health and recovery every step of the way. Surgery can be a stressful time for you and your dog or cat. However, we strive to provide the best quality of surgical care with every procedure, including spaying, neutering, soft tissue surgeries and wound care.

How should I prepare my dog or cat for surgery?

Most routine surgical procedures require your dog or cat to go under general anesthesia. This ensures the procedure is performed safely because they remain still throughout. Before administering anesthesia, we perform a pre-anesthetic examination and bloodwork to ensure your dog or cat’s body will respond well to the medication. If we suspect any potential complications, we won’t go ahead with the procedure. Before a procedure, your dog or cat will likely need to fast and be well-rested. Our veterinary team will share detailed instructions before the day of the procedure so you can prepare them.

What can I expect during surgery?

On the day of your dog or cat’s procedure, you should drop them off promptly. Try to keep your dog or cat’s stress levels or anxiety to a minimum by keeping them in a carrier or on a leash. Our highly trained veterinary team will be responsible for ensuring your dog or cat has a safe and successful surgery. Throughout the procedure, our registered veterinary technicians are responsible for monitoring your dog or cat, alerting us of any changes in their oxygen levels, blood pressure and heart rate.

How quickly will my dog or cat recover after their procedure?

Your dog or cat’s recovery time is dependent on a range of factors including their age, overall health and how well you follow post-surgery care. For example, your dog or cat should be keeping their activity to a minimum post-surgery. It’s also important to regularly examine surgical wounds for signs of infections like excessive bleeding or oozing. Lots of rest is recommended during the recovery process. If you have questions about your dog or cat’s upcoming surgery, please contact us at 306-373-3500.

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