Vaccines for Puppies & Dogs

Vaccines are an effective way to protect your canine companion against harmful diseases.   

Vaccination is essential for protecting your puppy or dog from otherwise harmful diseases that, in some cases, could be deadly. For both puppies and adult dogs alike, vaccinations are essential for providing adequate immunity. Especially for puppies, they protect their immune system from unwanted diseases that they could encounter during their first year of life.

Why is it important to properly vaccinate your puppy?

Vaccinating your puppy is one of the best things you can do to provide lifelong health. Puppies usually have a weaker immune system, which makes them more susceptible to contracting fatal illnesses. Vaccination is the first step in prevention. Ideally, puppies should be vaccinated at 8 weeks of age, 12 weeks of age and 16 weeks of age. We provide vaccinations against distemper, parvovirus, adenovirus, parainfluenza, rabies, and Bordetella.

How should you prepare your puppy for their first vaccination visit?

Please bring any documents that you have on your puppy. It is very helpful for us to see records for any vaccines that have already been given, when or if they have received any deworming medication and any health conditions that could be present. It can also be helpful to bring a list of questions/struggles that you’re having with your new puppy, such as house training or behaviour.

Is there a schedule for how often to vaccinate a dog?

During your dog’s annual wellness examination, we will discuss their individual needs to determine a suitable vaccine schedule. Vaccines are critical for protecting your dog from many illnesses. They are inexpensive ways to prevent serious diseases. We follow a three-year vaccine protocol which allows us to provide adequate immunity without over-vaccinating. Some vaccinations need to be given on a yearly basis, and some vaccines only need to be given every three years. To learn more about vaccinations for puppies and dogs, please contact us at 306-373-3500.

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