Vet Referrals

Our trusted referral specialists include cardiologists, neurologists, and more.

In some instances, we’ll need to refer your dog or cat to another veterinary team that specializes in a specific type of care. Though our clinic has some of the best veterinary medicine practitioners, relying on our peers’ expertise strengthens our practice’s ability to provide your dog/cat with the best care possible

What happens when my dog/cat is referred to a different clinic or specialist?

Our veterinary team will refer you to a different clinic or specialist if our team doesn’t have the capacity or expertise to support your dog or cat. With years of veterinary experience, we’ll build a strong network of veterinary professionals who deliver a similar standard of care as our clinic. The goal is to ensure your dog or cat is receiving the best diagnostics or treatments they need to support their health or well-being. Our veterinary team will be involved in every step of the referral process and are still primarily responsible for your dog or cat’s care. If you have questions about our referral process, please contact us at 306-373-3500.

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