Emergency services

In an emergency situation, you want to feel confident in the type of care your dog or cat will receive. If your dog or cat suddenly starts acting out of character, has reoccurring symptoms that aren’t improving or has had an accident, please contact us immediately at 306-373-3500 to get urgent medical care.

How can I tell if my dog/cat is having a medical emergency?

Though any sudden changes in your dog or cat’s health can be jarring, some symptoms are more critical than others. In these instances, your dog or cat receiving immediate medical care is essential for their health and well-being. Some symptoms that require emergency care include:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Fainting or unconscious
  • Accidents including falling, being hit by a car or being attacked by an animal
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Seizures

What should I do if my dog/cat is having a medical emergency?

During a medical emergency, your actions could have major impacts on your dog or cat’s health. For example, if your dog has broken bones, it’s important to seek our advice on how best to transport them to our clinic. Transporting them in the wrong position could jeopardize their recovery. Delaying medical care can also impact their health. For example, if your dog or cat has been vomiting uncontrollably or just doesn’t seem quite like themselves, it’s better to err on the side of caution. Our veterinary team can support your dog or cat in their recovery.